31 de octubre de 2012

Specially for Jane

Hi Jane!
I also made this as part of your nano swap. I've heard you like history, and I thought it could be interesting in some way.
I live in the core of the Coast of Death (Costa da Morte). It was given this name because of the large amount of shipwreckings we have -we have under our sea hundreds of ships, from the late medieval age to 20th century. Some of the wreckings are more important than others, some have more beautiful stories than others. I wanted to highlight one of them, the Serpent shipwreck, and also give you some general information about this part of the sea.
If you have any questions or doubts, or you want more information about any topic, just ask me.
I hope you like it!

About A Costa da Morte and shipwrecks
-Wikipedia has a little article about A Costa da Morte:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_da_Morte
-More info about A Costa da Morte, in English: Spain's Coast of Death: Shipwrecks and lace.
-Different info about the sea and the shipwrecks. It has some pictures and sumps up the history: La falsa leyenda negra de la Costa da Morte. It's in Spanish but you can tranlate it with Google.
-Proyecto Finisterre is an archaeological study that locates the shipwrecks and what's left of the ships in A Costa da Morte. You can download the full report. It has a lot of subacuatical pictures. You can see also daily items found like forks, combs and tableware: Proyecto Finisterre: shipwrecks from Death's Coast
-In this Facebook page you can find a lot of pictures from A Costa da Morte. They are a group of people who likes to walk by the sea. They also have maps: O camiño dos faros (The lighthouses way)
-This photographer has a lot of pictures from A Costa da Morte: Marcos Rodríguez 
-This is a map of some part of the Costa da Morte and the shipwrecks. There are much more kilometers of Coast ahead north and south, but you can get the idea:

The Serpent and the English Cemetery
-What happened with the Serpent and the English Cemetery:  Camariñas on Galicia's Coast of Death
-A map I did of the exact location of the shipwreck: English Cemetery
-A very good article about the Serpent shipwreck. It has real pictures, good information, names and individual stories about some of the protagonists of the ship (such as the commander and a priest). It's in Spanish but I think it's totally woth it to translate it. El naufragio del HMS Serpent

Pictures of the lighthouse (you can look up more by "faro" or "cabo Vilán"):

I hope you liked this, as I did while researching! Good luck in this NaNo!

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